Following the exciting, long-awaited, release of the Blastball features in Gimkit Creative, I decided to write this post. I apologize in advance for how lengthy it may get.
The Ball
Without the ball, Blastball is impossible. If you think about it, the game would just be running around a soccer field with no goal without the ball. It just makes sense that the Gimkit staff would add this crucial device to the game. The ball comes in a wide range of 9 colors - this includes Blastball, Inverted Blastball, Blue, Green, Purple, Red, Solid, Teal, and Yellow. Here are what some of the designs look like.
This is the first Gimkit game to include physics. The physics includes how fast a ball can move, how much projectiles affect the ball's velocity, how bouncy the ball is when it comes in contact with an opposing surface, the ball's friction, and its mass.

The Ball Capture Zone
The ball capture zone has two appearances: an invisible zone not unlike the other zone devices, and a goal-post. In addition, you can set the rewards you get for scoring a goal using channels, which can add a fun twist to a Blastball-style game.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. Have fun using this new feature in GKC! Enjoy!